Enterprise Application Services

Mission Statement

The Enterprise Application Services – EAS group is responsible for the design, development, implementation, operation and production support services for Montclair State University enterprise applications. Working closely with the University campus business and academic offices EAS is committed to providing reliable services and constantly improve campus community application technology experience. EAS provides support and maintains a large portfolio of applications that include the Student Information System, Human Resources and Financial System, the University Portal, the Identity and Access Management system and variety of custom developed applications. We are responsible for the application integration services between the applications on campus and the ones external to the University as well as database support and data reporting and administration.


Donna Sadlon
Associate Vice President Enterprise Application Services
phone: 973-655-3963
email: sadlond@orkexpo.net

Karolina Maneva-Jakimoska
Director, Web & Identity Management
phone: 973-655-4173
email: jakimoskak@orkexpo.net

Klavdiya Hammond
Director, Data and Analytics
phone: 973-655-7087
email: hammondkl@orkexpo.net

William Neal
Assistant Vice President,
Workday Systems
phone: 973-655-3158
email: nealw@orkexpo.net

Hina Shamim
Associate Director, Student Systems Development
email: shamimh@orkexpo.net

Michael Heller
Identity & Access Management Engineer
phone: 973-655-5502
email: hellerm@orkexpo.net

Adan Olivos
Identity & Access Management Developer
email: olivosa@orkexpo.net

Tyler Silva
Identity & Access Management Developer
email: silvat@orkexpo.net

Philip Jou
Data Analytics Developer
email: joup@orkexpo.net

Puja Roy
Report Developer
email: royp@orkexpo.net

Muhammad Salahuddin
Report Developer
email: salahuddinm@orkexpo.net

Diana Cadena
Workday Operations
email: cadenad@orkexpo.net

Anuradha Rammdass
Manager of Integration Development
phone: 973-655-5264
email: rammdassa@orkexpo.net

Kingsuk Mukherjee
Integrations Developer
phone: 973-655-2052
email: mukherjeek@orkexpo.net

Paul Varghese
Finance Systems Developer
phone: 973-655-7466
email: varghesep@orkexpo.net

Michael Gluck
Integrations Developer
email: gluckm@orkexpo.net

Dianne Teixeira
Finance Operations Analyst
phone: 973-655-7620
email: teixeirad@orkexpo.net

Hilal Tabakci
Finance Operations Analyst
phone: 973-655-3692
email: tabakcih@orkexpo.net

Anu Kaushik
Student Systems Developer
email: kaushika@orkexpo.net

Dinora Gonzalez
Student Systems Administrator
phone: 973-655-4236
email: gonzalezd@orkexpo.net